Wednesday 12.3.14 Competitor WOD

Extended Warm Up

10 Jumping Pull Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Kipping Pull Ups
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Hips to Bar


Power Clean (12×1 @ 70% 1RM EMOM)


Power Snatch (12×1 @ 70% 1RM EMOM)


Someday, Maybe… (Time)
50 Dubs (x3)
50 Sit Ups
5 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Dubs
40 Sit Ups
4 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Dubs
30 Sit Ups
3 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Dubs
20 Sit Ups
2 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Dubs
10 Sit Ups
1 Bar Muscle Up


3×15 each side GHD Wood Choppers

12.6.14 – Holiday Amazing Race

• CrossFit Main Line will NOT hold classes
• CrossFit R5 will be open 8:30am and 9:30am
(babysitting will be available at both times)