Wednesday 1.6.16 WOD NOTES

Explosive Strength

Mobility: 5min

2 pieces. Complete #1 before the dynamic warm up. Complete #2 after dynamic warm up, have Athletes grab barbells. Complete before the burger snatch warm up. Make sure you educate Athlete on why they are performing these mobility pieces today.
1. 5min Squat test with movement
2. 0:00-2:05

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

After dynamic warm up, complete mobility #2 and then  burgerner snatch warm up

Strength: 15min

Hang Snatch (2RM, full squat)
Complete this in 15min as a group. Start clock counting up and complete x2 hang snatches every min on the min for the first 5min, adding small amounts of weight to climb to 50%. Then, for 10min, complete x2 every 90 sec. adding weight each time to a 2RM. Athletes should stand with barbell to full extension and reload hamstrings, hips, etc. each rep. Be cautions of the Athlete that snatch grip deadlifts to the barbell to knee height and then performs a hang squat snatch. We want to see the Athlete stand to extension, maintain a firm maintain and perform the hang snatch.

WOD: 16min

“CrossFit Open Prep #1”
3 x 4min AMRAPs
15 Power Snatches (75,55,65,45)
30 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12)
**2min. rest between rounds
**Score reps for each AMRAP
**Restart each AMRAP with snatches
CrossFit Open registration starts January 14. This is WOD #1 in a series of OPEN prep WODs that we will complete, ending February 25 (15.1). Note that there is Rx+ and Rx weight listed. This would be similar to the Open Rx and Scaled divisions. Despite the MB weight change from Rx+ to Rx the heights stay the same 10′,9′. If not Rx weight on snatch athletes should choose their ‘Randy” weight, or a weight they can complete 15 unbroken power snatches. While coaching the snatch remember that high repetition only lifts are performed differently than rep max only lifts. High repetition only lifts require the Athlete to stay firm through the midline but relaxed in the grip.
After each AMRAP Athletes restart with Power Snatch #1. Athletes will score the total reps of each AMRAP, Wodify will total it up.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

4×12 Barbell back loaded setups with feet anchored