Sunday 4.7.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Monthly Seminar Voting; Shoulder or Back Mobility?
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1a) Single Arm DB Push Press: 1/4 x 6 ea.
1b) Front Rack Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat: 1/4 x 6 ea.


“Days Of Thunder”
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
25-20-15-10-5 Hang Power Clean + STOH


*Make up an extra credit session from this past week of your choice. This should be based off of  YOUR individual weaknesses.


– Strength: Athletes will superset single arm DB push press and rear foot elevated split squats (using a box or bench). Use 1 round to work up to working weight then complete 4 sets of 6 repetitions of each movement. DBs do not have to be the same weight for the split squats and push press, however, Athletes should use the same weight across sets for each individual movement.
– Metcon: Effort should be around 80-85% today. Some advanced Athletes may attempt to go unbroken; however, most will probably have to break the first couple of rounds of HPC/S2OH. Weight is light enough athletes should be able to complete large sets of HPC and S2OH. This workout will present a lot of challenges with shoulder endurance – breaking sets before people have to will help stave off excessive fatigue and allow for Athletes to sustain themselves throughout the entire workout.



“Stroker Ace”
4 Rounds
1:00 Double KB Front Rack Hold
12 MB Squat Cleans
24 Plank Up-Downs
12 MB Squat Cleans
1:00 KB Goblet Wall Sit