Monday 1.28.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Box Brief: Wayne CF Kids Bring a Friend Week


“Front Squat Box Squat” 2RM

“Bear Shark”

9-15-21 Kettlebell Swings



600m Run

Intent: This workout should be completed at a fast pace but be submaximal weights and reps. You should be able to complete all sets UB or in 2 sets.


“Wind of change”

10 Rounds 2min ON / 1min OFF


1min Wall Sit

Max Jumping Lunges


1min Plank Hold

Max Ball Slams


1min DB OH Lockout

Max Assault Bike cals

Intent: Quick movements, the goal today is to simply not stop moving during the allotted work period. Do not overestimate the OH lockout and jump lunges as they will be the hardest to maintain. Challenge yourself with weight on the DB OH lockout