Monday 8.13.18 CrossFit


Front Squat (1RM, 4,3,2,1.1.1 Every 2min)
Intent: Have a plan in place in terms of how much weight you’re going to add each set.

Metcon Prep

2 rds at game speed
4 Power Cleans
4 Burpee Bar Hops
+ weight & repeat


“Full Speed”
Power Cleans (135,95)
Burpee Bar Hops
Rx: (115,75)
L2: (95,65)
L1: (75,55) (Burpees)
12min cap

Intent: Today’s metcon is meant to be done at a 90%+ pace. Power cleans should be light/fast. Don’t try to pace this one, just go for it!


5min Mobility with Coach