Friday 6.22.18 CrossFit

Box Brief:
Bowling Night  at  Devon Lanes &  Wynnewood Lanes 6pm-8pm
This Weekend: Quarterly InBody Scans + Re-test, Bring A Friend

Summer Solstice WOD #3

The End: 1,2 & 3
2011 CrossFit Games WOD
3 Parts Scored Individually
“The End 1”
20 Cal Row
30 Wall Ball Shots (20,14)
20 Toes-to-Bars
30 Box Jumps (24,20)
20 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (55,35)
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder-to-Overheads (115,75)
– Rest 1 minute –
Same workouts as above
– Rest 2 minutes –
For Time
Same workout as above
*28min time cap, including all 3 scored workouts + rest
Rx Div: (STOH 95,65)
Scaled Div: (14,12)(Knee raises)(20,14)(35,25)(65,45)

Intent: Athletes complete as many repetitions as possible in 3 minutes, then rest one minute before starting the workout over and completing as many repetitions as possible in 6 minutes. Rest once more (2 minutes) before completing the entire workout in the fastest time possible. To  score Rx+ or Rx you must complete the reps in the given time cap. If you do not meet the time cap your score is 28:00 and is considered ‘Scaled’.