Saturday 6.16.18 Endurance WOD

Box Brief:
Sign up for “Us” for “You” Kids Challenge and Toy Drive
Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning


Amrap 35 or
400 m run
10 Push Ups
20 DB Box Step-ups (DB Each Hand,10/Leg)
10 Box Dips
5 DB Man Makers
*Rest 2:00 Between Rounds

DB Man Maker:
Push Up + Row R + Row L + Clean + Jerk
*No Squat Clean Today

4 minute plank tabata

A mix of movements for today, some that you can pick up the pace on, and some that require more breathing and methodical pacing. Push the pace on the run as the Box step ups will be slow, especially after the run. Then the Dips should be quick and unbroken, where your Man Makers will be a “one rep at a time” mentality.