Wednesday 4.27.16 WOD NOTES

Competition Day!

Todays Competition WOD written by Coach Matt.

Mobility: 4min

2min each side couch stretch

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

WOD: 30min time cap

In 30min Complete:
10 – Deadlifts (225,155,185,135)
20 – Power Cleans (135,95,105,75)
30 – Thrusters (95,65,75,55)
40 – Push Press (45,35,35,25)
50 – Ring Dips
60 – Ring Rows
70 – Alt. V-Ups (L+R=2)
80 – Standing Back Extensions (25,15)
90 – Dubs (Scale=x3)
100 – Mountain Climbers (L+R=2)
**Score time or 30min + 1sec for every rep not completed
Athletes should complete movements quickly, not in singles.
Ring Rows: Rx+ & Rx = toro need to be directly under rings
Alt. V-Ups: Video Link
Standing Back Extensions: Athletes will hug plate to chest and perform a back extension
Mountain Climber: Rx+ & Rx=Knee must travel outside of knee, Video Link
New Athletes: Complete the WOD below. Before WOD starts review deadlift one-on-one, then review movements as they come up in the WOD.
10 Deadlift
20 Hang Power Clean
30 Push Press
40 Ring Rows
50 Sit Ups
60 Dubs (x3)
70 Mtn Climbers

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

Accumualte 4min in a static midline hold, movement is Athletes choice