Friday 2.5.16 WOD NOTES

Max Effort Upper

Mobility: 2min

Coaches choice

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Floor Press (1RM  )
Pure upper body push, removing any leg drive. focuses on chest, triceps and shoulders. Limits shoulder stress due to range of motion.
Athletes will need their partner to deadlift the bar into position

In 25min Complete WOD #1 + WOD #2

WOD #1

“2k Row”
Max Effort 2k Row
–Rest As Needed To WOD #2–
Everyone starts on the row. Start clock counting up and let it run to 20min

WOD #2

Snatch, 135#/95#

**Full Squat Snatches
**MU = bar or ring
**MU = x1 unbroken set PU + 1 unbroken set ring dip
Athletes need to modify to finish in 20min time frame. MU modification is different today, Athletes will perform pull-ups (or modification) and ring dips (or modification) to failure after each set of Squat Snatches. Our version of Amanda today requires a full squat snatch and muscle ups can be bar or ring.

$ Out

4×20 Banded Kneeling Oblique Twist