Sunday 3.22.15 WOD

Explosive Strength


Snatch (EMOM for 10min )
**If you fail do not repeat, decrease wait to last successful rep and continue.
**Score your heaviest successful rep
Min 1: 60%
Min 2: 65%
Min 3: 70%
Min 4: 75%
Min 5: 80%
Min 6: 85%
Min 7: 90%
Min 8: 95%
Min 9: 97.5%
Min 10: 100%+ (PR)


14min EMOM
Evens: 1 Snatch Grip  Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 3 OHS (70% 1RM Power Snatch)
Odds: 30sec Hollow Rock Hold
**Score weight used in snatch complex and total successful rounds in comments. Total possible rounds = 14

Extra Credit

3 x 20 Reverse Hypers