Saturday 6.23.18 Endurance WOD

Box Brief:
6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend Wayne Quarterly Scans and Baseline
Rowing Skill Clinic 6/26 Wayne & 6/27 Ardmore 8:30pm-915pm-Sign up on Wodify


7 Rounds: (20:00)
200 m run
16 DB  Snatch (8L/8R)
12 Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunges (6/Leg)

*Rest 3:00

For Time:
400m Farmers Carry (KB Each Hand)
*Every Drop = 10 Plank Up-Downs ASAP

The conditioning piece will test your ability to stabilize the DB Overhead while being fatigued. If this isn’t working, the DB to the side or chest will work fine. On the Carry challenge, don’t milk the weights. This is meant to be difficult!