Saturday 8.12.17 WOD


Coaches: This is your chance to come up with a fun game that gets athletes moving and having a good time. As you know, I love the Pizza game but there are many other options or you can get creative and come up with your own. This is your chance to ensure your class is having a great time at your facility.


3 Rounds with a partner:
2:00 of Max Wallballs (20, 14)
2:00 Max Calories Row or Assault Bike or 100 meter Runs
2:00 Max Wall Climbs or Handstand Walk
2:00 Max Abmat Sit-ups
2:00 Max Burpees
*Scale as needed. One athlete works at time completing a full minute then switching with their partner.
*This workout is performed just like Fight Gone Bad.
Training Intent
Athletes will alternate exercises with their partner completing 60s of work each then transitioning to the next exercise. This workout is 30:00 in length. Score = total reps completed.

$ Out

3 rounds
– Alternating DB Curls x 20 (total)
– Russian Twists