Sunday 6.18.17 WOD


Limber 11


Single Leg BB RDLs  (4 x 8 ea. Rest 90s.)
One Arm DB Row (3 x 12 ea. Rest 60s.)
Russian Twists (3 x 20. Rest 60s.)


21min AMRAP
10 Calorie Row
15 Hang Power Cleans
20 Air Squats
25 Sit-ups
Rx: (65, 35)
L2: (55, 25)
L1: (Snatch Grip Deadlifts)
Training Intent
Slow pace throughout with minimal rest. Hang power cleans should be light and capable of being done in 2 sets or less.

$ Out

Side Plank: 3 x 20s each.